There is nothing near as much fun as an empty box. They can be anything from a choo choo train to a great hiding place.
Luckily we had two empty boxes (thanks to the large mess made going through clothes, picking out the ones that were too small), otherwise a fight would have happened.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Potty Anyone?
Abram is trying hard to learn about using the potty. He is doing a great job! While he is learning all the stuffed animals and anything else with legs is also learning. As you can see Mickey is his latest student.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A Visit with Eli
Last week our friends from Colorado came to town. We were lucky enough to get to hang out with them a little. The first night they got into town we had to visit our favorite pizza place, Marcos. While we were there the kids all got to really meet for the first time. A few days later it was Jessa's birthday, so we had a picnic at one of our favorite parks around. Abram and Katie had a blast, sliding, running, jumping, and anything else they could find to get into. Enjoy the pictures, the first few are from Marcos, the rest are from the park.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Room
Mommy and Daddy decided it was time for Abram to get a big boy room. He is so into cars, trucks, planes, and trains that we didn't have much of a choice of the theme. We painted a giant city mural on canvas and hung it on the wall. The rest of the room is decorated with stop signs and license plates. When Abram walked into the room for the first time, he looked at the mural and said "Big Mama, Big" and then just stood and stared. He then looked around saw the stop sign and said "what's that?", after I told him it said stop he just kept pointing at it and yelling "Stop!" We think he likes his room, if you come to visit he will be happy to show you around.
His room is complete with a bright red car to jump on and maybe sleep in occassionally.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Abram is turning into such a big boy, he is no longer our baby boy. He is so full of life and amazed by everything he sees. Everything is new and fascinating to him. Bugs seem to be the latest fascination. He will chase them all over the place, as you can guess this doesn't usually end well for the bug. Abram has a strong, independent personality. He, much like his sister, know what he wants and is going to get it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Katie Girl
Katie is growing up so fast, we can't believe it. She has a sweet, bubbly, slightly stubborn personality. She knows what she wants and is going to get it no matter what. She also has a smile that is contagious, when she smiles her whole face lights up.
Katie's I'm excited face!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Abram has finally decided that he wants to start counting things. So now we count everything. He found these plates in a drawer and spread them out while we were trying to make dinner one night, then he proceed to count 1, 2, 5!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
FletcMorg Band
While we were in Florida, the kids found all of the musical instruments and decided to make their own band. All I can say is that they were making a joyful noise.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Summer Work Part 2
Nothing finishes up a hard day of work, like a picnic of pizza in the driveway.
Such big kids with mouth fulls of pizza.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Summer Work
Here's Daddy working on the carport. There was lots of interesting stuff out there.
Abram and Katie also worked hard adding decorations to the driveway.
And painting some of their own masterpieces.
Notice that Abram can paint with both hands.
Katie must get in on the action as well.
We highly recommend the Crayola Inflatable Easel, great for outside and easy to clean up.
Thanks Aunt Dot!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
We have decided that this is the summer to get the house cleaned out. So Mommy and Daddy have been working hard. We started with the carport. While we cleaned, the kids kept themselves entertained. Here they are enjoying a goldfish and juice snack. Abram as always is too cool for words. Katie is just her usual too cute for words self.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Beauty School
The kids have discovered the joy of "fixing" Mommy's hair. The newest fix is to pick flowers from the yard and add them into the mix.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
4th of July
The 4th of July was really busy for us. We started our activities about 1:00 with a trip to Tuxedo to see Uncle Jerry and all of Papa's family. We had lots of fun there playing with all the cousins and eating lots of good food. From there, we made a quick stop at home to pick up more food, then off to meet Papaw to give him his birthday present, and then to Papa's house for dinner, a little swimming, and finally fireworks on the back porch. The kids did great but ended the night up very tired. Katie and Abram enjoyed the fireworks, staying awake this year and watching every spark fly. Hope you had a great day.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Carl Sandburg
A couple of days ago, we decided everyone needed to get out of the house for an adventure. So we decided to visit a local tradition, the Carl Sandburg House. For those of you not from around here, this state park is the house where the famous poet finished out his life in Flat Rock. His wife raised goats for their milk. The descendants of these goats still live at the park. There are also several great hiking trail around the house. We tried to make it to a live showing of the Rootabaga Tales, but couldn't get moving fast enough, maybe another day. To get to the house there is a short hike up the hill. On this trip we started out with our great double jogging stroller but before we got to the welcome center, we realized it had a flat tire and had to go back to the car and start all over again. Luckily we had our small single strollers. We decided Abram was big enough to walk the whole way but didn't know if Katie could make it. She ended up riding some, walking some, pushing her own stroller some, being carried some, and having her stroller carried some. It was a great adventure and in the end everyone was worn out (the most important part of any true adventure).
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Thank you Grammy for Abram's fire engine boots and Thank you Aunt Dottie for Katie's pink boots. We are not sure what is going to happen when they outgrow them.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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Nothing deep, nothing profound, just the ongoing travels, trials and adventures of the Fletchers.
Check out the bottom to see how fast time is flying for the newest Fletchers.