Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yet another adventure provided by Mommy.  Papaw and GramT shared a large mass of frog eggs with Mommy's class at school.  As Spring Break came around the tadpoles weren't doing so well at school.  So, the tadpoles came home. 

Abram and Katie had to get a very close look at things.  It was very hard to keep their little fingers out of the water.
After several days of watching and hoping neither the cats or the kids got a hold of the tadpoles, we let them go in the creek.  The tadpoles swam happily away into their new home and we hope to have lots of new frogs to get us entertained throughout the summer.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Potty Time

Katie is learning to use the potty.  On this day, she decided it was time for her bear to learn also.

Bear goes into the bathroom.
Bear uses the potty.

Bear washes hands!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Seed Planting Time

Mommy has once again decided she needs a garden.  So this year we are trying something new.  We found some seeds at the store and are trying to start our garden from seed.  Since the North Carolina Spring's are known for being unpredictable, we started them inside.  Mommy found every available empty container and filled it with dirt.  Then she pulled the kids over and we started planting.  Abram was really excited and couldn't wait to help.  Katie really wasn't sure what was going on, but was ready to play in the dirt.

The supervisor...making sure everything gets in the right place.

Learning how to poke holes, so the seeds are planted just the right depth...or at least in the dirt.

Carefully putting seeds in each hole (not really sure how many went in each hole!).

Inspecting our work.

Showing off his hard work.
Now we wait.  We planted green beans, tomatoes, watermelon, cilantro, and peppers.  Wish us luck as we move to the next step of getting them outside so they can grow big and strong and Abram can finally pick them (as he asks everyday).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Creek Stompin'

 This is how we spent our Spring Break.  The kids discovered the creek in front of the house.
 Taking a trip around the big curve.
 Cousin Wayne giving the fine details of appropriate stompin'
 Cousin Wayne just couldn't stand it, he had to go in too.
 Stompin' through the "jungle" also known as rhododendron.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie

Uncle Chad and Aunt Dottie sent Katie a birthday present, since they weren't able to be with us to celebrate.  When we got it we decided to have another little celebration.
Katie is much more interested in the frog wrapping paper, than in the card that Mommy is trying to read.

Abram, as usual, had to get in on the action.

It's a dress-up Minnie Mouse doll in, with clothes, and a special suitcase.

After she figured out what it was all about, Katie was very much into changing all the clothes.  The best part was when she put on the cowgirl outfit and Minnie rode around the house on her horse...Abram!

Katie wanted to take Minnie in the bath with her, but after much discussion she decided it was OK for Minnie to just sit on the sink and watch.
Thanks Morgans for the perfect gift, as always.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Great Egg Hunt

No Easter is complete without an egg hunt.  After a wonderful lunch, David, Wayne and Brooke headed outside to hide eggs for Abram and Katie.  It took a few minutes for the kids to get warmed up, but soon the hunt was on.  The funniest part came when it was the big kids turn to find eggs, so Katie and Abram helped hide them.  As soon as they put it down, they would come back around to find it as if they had no idea where they were.  It was fun to watch.  Enjoy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009-Part 2

Easter dawned bright and early (6:45am), after a long evening of very interesting stories from Abram.  At some point in the long process of going to sleep Abram decided the Easter bunny some help.  Mind you, this is the first he had heard of the bunny.  He decided that Mommy needed to pick up and sweep the living room so that he didn't fall, that Daddy needed to go save the bunny because he was caught in a sticky net.  This was not just any net, it was one that required Daddy to get into his truck drive away and unstick the bunny.  Daddy and Mommy did their part and as soon as Abram was informed of the progress he finally went to sleep.  Early the next morning, Mommy and Daddy were greeted by two very happy toddlers who had to tiptoe down the hall so they didn't scare away the bunny.  The kids were excited to play with their surprise from the bunny and Mommy and Daddy were content to rest for a few minutes before beginning the long day.  After a yummy breakfast of smoothies and homemade coffee cake, we all got dressed up and headed out.  God blessed us with another one of those days that makes you thankful to be alive and wonder how anyone can doubt the exsistance of a loving creator.  We actually made it to church on time, where Mommy and Daddy heard a great sermon and the kids had a blast playing with their friends.  After church we headed to Aunt Mandi and Uncle Jeremy's house for some great food and fun.  Enjoy these pictures up to this point in the day, more to come of some rousing egg hunting!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun-Part 1

Mommy finally got brave enough this year to let the kids try dying Easter eggs.  After much research, she found a way that didn't appear to be as messy.  We tie-dyed the eggs ( ) .  It was actually fun and not very messy at all.  The kids picked out the aprons they wanted to wear (this was Plan C after Abram got very upset thinking his "cool shirt" was going to get dirty and then that he didn't want to get in on his tummy).  It kind of made the whole thing more special because the aprons belonged to Mommy's mom.  So after finally deciding on the special attire, we all went to work.  Abram and Katie loved picking the colors to put on the eggs before rolling them around in the collander and Mommy discovered that boiled eggs are really tough.  Next you had to count to 30 to let the colors set and then pick another color.  By the end, Abram could unscrew and squirt food coloring like a pro.  Katie had fun for one egg and then got distracted by the apron bothering her neck and she was off to find something else to get in to. All in all fun was had by all and there wasn't a big mess to clean up (Mommy doesn't mind making them but she sure hates cleaning them up).  We used our final product on our Easter dinner table to celebrate with Aunt Dot and Grandma Reid.  Easter has been a wonderful celebration at our house, more to come.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Katie's Second Birthday

After much sickness, we finally got to have Katie's birthday party.  It was a blast.  Katie had on her cutest cute face and was ready to rock and roll.  We are so lucky to so many people around who love our kids and want to help us celebrate all our special occasions.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Just when you think things are slowing down, they seem to speed up and go faster.  All that to say...sorry we haven't posted in a while.
Here are some more pictures from the kids being baptized.  It was really a special time, with friends and family welcoming our wonderful kids into their family.  Abram had been thinking about the situation for a while and on the way to church decided that he was a little scared.  So he spent the whole time hiding, he hid under Mommy's arm, under her sweater, in the floor by the pew, and pretty much anywhere he could find.  When it was finally our turn, he did much better than expected.  He didn't cry or scream or anything.  He just kept asking if he could go downstairs (the nursery where all of his friends were already playing).  As soon as we got finished we headed downstairs and he was much happier.
Katie on the other hand, had no idea what was going on.  She happily played in the pew, reading the hymnal and coloring on the envelopes.  When it was time to go up, she happily rode in Daddy's arms.  When Pastor Yates put the water on her head, she just looked at him.  Then when he finished, she was her cute self watching her brother and smiling at the congregation. 
We were so lucky that so many of our family were able to come and give their support. 

Nothing deep, nothing profound, just the ongoing travels, trials and adventures of the Fletchers. Check out the bottom to see how fast time is flying for the newest Fletchers.