Sunday, September 16, 2007

I think I'll just go straight to walking

The other day brother Marc came by to hang out and play with the kids. Abram enjoyed this thoroughly. But Katie got some good playtime in also. She has been making the early signs of crawling, even taking several crawl steps at a time. The best way I've been able to put it is that when you put her down and walk out of the room, she won't be in the same place when you come back (this also means she doesn't get put down by herself much anymore). This has all come about in the last week and a half. But even more interesting is what she has decided to do in the last 3-4 days, pull up and try to stand. Here is Marc helping her take a couple of steps. Sorry for poor lighting. And you listen real closely, you might even make out an upset Abram in the background.

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