Monday, February 18, 2008

We're Back

Sorry for the brief hiatus. Between basketball, stomach bugs, Valentine's Day, Grandparent's Day, testing, and two very busy toddlers (this all being in the last week!) we have not done a good job sharing our lives. We are going to try to do better. Basketball season is over this week and Mommy has no major school projects coming up, so there should be a few minutes to blog. Three of us, lucky Daddy, have been battling a stomach bug for about a week now. Hopefully all are on the uphill side and we can miss the other bugs being passed around.This is just a fun picture of two very busy toddlers sharing a brief moment of stillness. They both love Katie's big girl bed. So they spend lots of time climbing in and out of it as well as wrestling all over. In this picture we caught a moment of them both just relaxing. If memory serves me, seconds after this picture they both rolled off the bed and took off for another adventure. Check back soon for more.

1 comment:

Eric said...

So it looks like Katie has roughly doubled in size since December.

Nothing deep, nothing profound, just the ongoing travels, trials and adventures of the Fletchers. Check out the bottom to see how fast time is flying for the newest Fletchers.