Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ice Cream

This summer one of our little excursions was to load up in the car and go get ice cream.  For some reason it is always better from the store than out of your own freezer.  The kids thought this was just great.  Abram would often wake up from his naps saying "Go get ice cream?"  I'm not sure if he liked the ice cream that much or if he wanted to see Aunt Dot and Grandma Reid who usually went with us.  After several trips, we finally figured out not to order the kids their own because they ate everyone elses.  It was always a fun time and we all came home covered with all flavors of ice cream, as you can see.

Abram got pretty good with the ice cream spoon.

Katie just liked eating it all over.


Mama V said...

In just about every picture posted of Katie, her face is priceless!

prayingdaughter said...

I have seen this same layered look. Cant wait to see how she looks makeup! Love Grammy

Nothing deep, nothing profound, just the ongoing travels, trials and adventures of the Fletchers. Check out the bottom to see how fast time is flying for the newest Fletchers.