Monday, September 15, 2008

Apple Picking Time.

Saturday we went apple picking with Aunt Dot.  It was a beautiful almost Fall day.  The kids had a blast.  If we had had 10 big garbage bag they would have filled up everyone of them, instead we just had 2 buckets.  The kids ran around the orchard finding the best prize of the day.  After we filled our buckets, we headed back and there was a couple making apple cider.  They were nice enough to let the kids help them.  After going through the whole process, we all got to taste the product.  I think it was the best apple cider anyone had tasted.  We brought home some to share with Daddy and anyone else who wanted it.  I think Abram tasted about 4 cups before we had to stop him for fear of what that much pure cider might do.  Hope you enjoy the pictures, make sure you have your sound on so you can enjoy the music.  We tried a new slideshow maker, let us know which one you like best...the old one or this new one.

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