Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Stop #2

After a quick nap, we made our way to Papaw and GramT's house for some more yummy food and lots more things to be thankful for.
When we got there, Papaw was hard at work on another fabulous turkeys.

Abram, Lindsey, and Debbie had to do a little supervision to make sure Papaw was doing things right.

Sitting still didn't last long and Lindsey was the first victim of the cutest "Come play with me, please."

Then it was some sword fighting with GramT.

After dinner everyone sat around, trying to digest the great food and have a little time to catch up.

Except Daddy who found a moment when the kids were entertained to sneak in his Thanksgiving nap.
After a wonderful visit, it was time for pjs and saying good bye.
Check back tomorrow for our final stop.

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