Monday, April 27, 2009

Seed Planting Time

Mommy has once again decided she needs a garden.  So this year we are trying something new.  We found some seeds at the store and are trying to start our garden from seed.  Since the North Carolina Spring's are known for being unpredictable, we started them inside.  Mommy found every available empty container and filled it with dirt.  Then she pulled the kids over and we started planting.  Abram was really excited and couldn't wait to help.  Katie really wasn't sure what was going on, but was ready to play in the dirt.

The supervisor...making sure everything gets in the right place.

Learning how to poke holes, so the seeds are planted just the right depth...or at least in the dirt.

Carefully putting seeds in each hole (not really sure how many went in each hole!).

Inspecting our work.

Showing off his hard work.
Now we wait.  We planted green beans, tomatoes, watermelon, cilantro, and peppers.  Wish us luck as we move to the next step of getting them outside so they can grow big and strong and Abram can finally pick them (as he asks everyday).

1 comment:

Jessa said...

good luck! looks like they had a blast!

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